using car at work by Excas Accounting Tax & Business Specialists

Using your car for work

As an employee you are able to claim a deduction for using your car for work purposes if you use your car for your job for any of these: You drive between separate jobs on the same day OR You drive between alternate workplaces for the same employer on the same day OR Delivering or […]

how to use a logbook for tax

Logbook Requirements

What your logbook needs to include To be able to prove how you have used your vehicle to earn your income your logbook has to hit the key ATO requirements. There is no point giving your accountant a logbook that doesn’t cover the details that the ATO have to have, if it’s not valid than […]

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How a Logbook can save you money

When do I need a Logbook for Business Vehicle? The simple answer is when the Taxman considers that you are driving a “Car” rather than a Motor Vehicle you need to do a logbook to give yourself the best possible deduction for you.  This is where tax terminology gets confusing as it goes against what […]

Three Things To Save You Money this Tax Time

Three Things You Should Do To Save This Tax Time No-one wants to miss out on a tax deduction or pay more in accountant fees than they have to. My biggest tip for you this tax time is to get organized, as the more you do for yourself the better result you will from your […]

What tax deductions can I claim when working from home

WORKING AT HOME First off we have to figure out if you are working from home or are you a home based business? This will make a difference to the type of expenses you can claim for. This article talks about what options you have in claiming tax deduction for the time you spend working […]